Silver Ion Disinfection Technology
Silver-ion Disinfection
Our patented AG+Silver lon Disinfection Technology has been validated by MRIGlobala leading virus laboratory in the United States,and China's top-tier virus laboratories.It has been proven to effectively kill 99.9% of the novel coronavirus(SARS-CoV-2)that causes COVID-19 in a short period of time.
Numerous common viruses and bacteria(such as the influenza virusSARSStaphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus pneumoniae)can be transmitted through the air.When these microorganisms attach to air filters and central air conditioning ducts, they can potentially detach from these surfaces when vibrated or during equipment replacement or maintenanceleading to secondary pollution.
The application of advanced disinfection and sterilization technology to filters can effectively reduce the risk of transmission and protect the health of users.
Optional upgrade: Patented

technology proven
to eliminate SARS-CoV-2 in just 10 minutes
antiviral mechanism

Coat protein denaturation occurs
RNA denaturation occurs
Antibacterial Mechanism
Silver Ion
Enzyme Protein
Cell membrane

Silver lon combines with the -sH group of the enzyme protein

Breaking the Cell Membrane
Silver lon detaches from the
bacterium, reaching for
next bacterium
antiviral mechanism

Coat protein denaturation occurs
RNA denaturation occurs
Antibacterial Mechanism
Silver Ion
Enzyme Protein
Cell membrane

Silver lon combines with the -sH group of the enzyme protein

Breaking the Cell Membrane
Silver lon detaches from the
bacterium, reaching for
next bacterium
Independent lab tests proven to eliminate>99.9% of the COVID-19 virus in 36 seconds

Less than 30 mins

Without any treatment

Applied AG+ Antivival Tech
Law,C.K,Sze-To,G.N.&Lai,J.H.K(2023).Why should air filters have antiviral properties?Detachment of bioaerosols from air filters and a silver-ion antiviral air filter with rapid inactivation of SARS-CoV-2.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (pp. 1697-1703).
Environmental Science and Engineering. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
Aurabeat AG+ Silver lon Disinfection Technology
Aurabeat sucessfully developed the patented AG+ technology in 2020. The AG+ Technology is proven to effectively eliminate > 99.99% of the COVID 19 virus in the air, greatly reducing the risk of secondary infection Effectively decomposes viruses Suppresses viral activity and infectivity Destroy viral ribonucleic acid (DNA/RNA) to prevent virus from attaching and invading cells Inhibits viral replication
Aurabeat AG+ Silver lon Disinfection Technology
Aurabeat sucessfully developed the patented AG+ technology in 2020. The AG+ Technology is proven to effectively eliminate > 99.99% of the COVID 19 virus in the air, greatly reducing the risk of secondary infection. Effectively decomposes viruses Suppresses viral activity and infectivity Destroy viral ribonucleic acid (DNA/RNA) to prevent virus from attaching and invading cells Inhibits viral replication